If you are an independent artist who loves spending a lot of time writing lyrics or composing songs, you should definitely take your passion to another level. We understand that becoming popular takes a lot of time but if you have a creative piece that is unique and great along with a publishing agency who can work for you, all you need, is to focus on creating music as the other details will be taken care of by the publishing agency.
Are you thinking why would I need a publishing agency?
Well, then let’ get a bit deeper before jumping to the advantages.
If you are a songwriter or a lyricist, you will generally love to spend time on creating a creative piece but you should know that there is a lot more work beyond creating music. After you write or compose music and decide to showcase it to the world, you need to do the license to stop any illegal activities. A publishing agency will help you with the music licensing submissions. Moreover, your music is there in the music library and you have started getting offers; you need to manage the royalties. This is a huge job and requires a lot of time which can be managed by the publishers.

Having a publishing agency by your side means a lot for the indie artist which again helps them to become popular by investing time on creating a new and great piece.
If you are thinking that is the only thing that a publishing agency can offer, then, you definitely need to keep reading.
Publishing agency can become helpful for your growth:
For the indie artists, undoubtedly the publishers are the first biggest supporter and you are theirs’, as you are their way of getting business. From the very time you sign for an agreement, they will take the sole responsibility of promotion and marketing of the songs in the potential networks. They will market your sing throughout the world.
Only a music publishing agency looks after your work whether it is being properly registered throughout the world and also it get the attention. In order to do all of this, they will make a great demo, involve in the A&R, assist recording company in making the publicity of that record, sometimes they can even co-produce a video, finds out various other uses of the recording, will take care of unauthorized usages. They are also involved in promoting the song among the TV and film industry.
Leverage through their network:
You might have written something that will stay in the next chartbuster. In order to get the place that the song actually deserves, you need to seek help from another artist who has the ability to justice with his or her performance in the song.
With the help of an established publishing agency, you can help to get the music on hands of people who will be able to do justice of the song. They can help you o get a composer which again will help you to get money.
There are several songwriters who have been gifted with a great voice records and also performs to the song. This means you can get the percentage of the composer as well. Either way, having a publishing agency can improve the potential of the business.
Administers and manages your royalties:
The reality is a lyricist who is into writing the song has several other avenues from where they can make a lot of money rather than investing time by performing. If you have written a song and someone else is making money by selling, you certainly should get a portion of it. You will be entitles to several royalties which includes:
- Performing rights royalty: When someone is playing your song on live, royalty is being paid to the songwriter. When it mentions live performance, it does not necessarily means that it is a performance made at the setting of a concert. When we say live performance of the sing, it also means public airing of the music like on a television, or radio or websites or other digital services.
- Mechanical royalty: when the labels and individuals start selling and distributing your music, you can get a portion of it which is called as the royalty for your work. This comprises of digital downloads and streaming services as well.
- Sync Royalty: anyone who is willing to synchronize your music into a visual content to bring emotion and then broadcasts it, needs to pay you a royalty fees. This includes documentary, web content, games, commercials, YouTube, and various other platforms.

Publishing agencies are more than being just the accounting agency:
Publishing agency is not just an agency but it is also someone who will constantly call the labels along with others who might need a song for their work. In each and every stage of the career being a songwriter, a publishing agency can become highly beneficial. Their promotion is not only for their business, but will also become helpful for you when it comes to the income.
Having a publishing agency who takes the entire responsibility of the marketing and promotion of the music can be a great choice for the songwriters and composers. If you want to buy music license for your song, just get in touch with Music of the Sea, as they have the network and work with popular artists that can become a lot helpful for the indie artists.